Get Paid For Advertising Companies | Make Money Easy

Get Paid for advertising Companies | make money easy

Paid For Advertising Companies ,this are ways on how you can get paid to advertise for companies in different and very simple ways ,get paid to advertise.

Today however, things are different and the average guy or girl can make money by advertising for companies as well.

Although he has since closed down his company, a guy by the name of Jason Zook made over one million dollars by advertising for companies via wearing t-shirts with their names on them.  Yes, this is a rare occurrence, but even our own podcast guest, Benny Hsu, has made over six figures by selling his own t-shirt designs on line.

Get Paid by Wrapping Your Car

Paid For Advertising Companies , there are legit ways to get paid simply by driving your car. One way you can make money by driving your car is to advertise for various companies via car wrapping advertisers such as Carvertise.

After you fill out an application on the Carvertise web site, sharing your personal information along with the type of car you drive, how often you drive it and where you drive it, the company matches you with advertisers looking to advertise in your area.

If you approve of the companies requesting to advertise on your car (you have the right to refuse a wrap if you’re not comfortable with promoting the company that’s requesting it), the Carvertise advertiser pays to have a wrap placed on your car and then pays you for doing your normal, everyday driving.

Most companies like Carvertise do have certain qualifications for drivers who want to get paid for driving around with a car wrap.


In the case of Carvertise specifically, they ask that drivers:

  • Drive newer cars (2005 or newer at last check) with no body damage or rust
  • Have a clean driving record and are law-abiding drivers
  • Drive a specific number of hours per week to maximize visibility
  • Live and drive in bigger metropolitan areas

These qualifications are important to Carvertise and its advertisers for several reasons. First, the companies that pay you to advertise for them want to protect their reputations, therefore they look for responsible drivers that obey traffic laws ,Paid For Advertising Companies.

Second, car wraps don’t adhere well to cars with body damage or rust. The advertisers want the wraps to reflect the quality of their company.

Third, since the goal is to maximize visibility, advertisers want drivers who drive often in major metropolitan areas in order to increase exposure.

You might have some questions about making money via driving around advertising for companies. Here are answers to some of the most common questions potential wrap ad drivers ask.

Get Paid by Advertising on Social Media

Paid For Advertising Companies ,there are a few companies that will pay you to advertise for them on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. You don’t get paid directly from the companies you advertise for; instead you get paid from a company that connects you with those brands seeking advertising.

Companies such as Izea will pay people to promote certain brands on their social media accounts:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

Paid For Advertising Companies ,It works like this: You fill out a short application with a social media marketing company like Izea. Izea will use the information you share to find a potential partnership with certain ad brands such as Hershey’s or Kraft.

You share links on your social media sites as Izea sends them to you. When your followers click on those links, you earn cash.

Know that the more followers you have on your social media accounts, the more likely partners (i.e. the companies that partner with companies like Izea) are to choose you to share their ads. Also, the more followers you have, the more clicks you will likely gain from your shares.

So, this is a side hustle that will be most effective for those with larger social media followings. However, if you don’t have large followings on your social media accounts you can work to increase those numbers before signing up with a company such as Izea.

It’s important too, in order to have success advertising on social media, to share other content besides sponsored ads. Having a mix of organic content (posts that you create about different things) along with your sponsored ads will help you keep your followers ,Paid For Advertising Companies.

If you are posting only sponsored ads or posts that may cause followers to leave. If you spend a fair amount of time on your social media sites and have developed a good following on them, this might be a great way for you to make some extra cash.

Get Paid by Advertising on Your Blog

Paid For Advertising Companies ,If you own a blog and are looking for ways to monetize it, advertising for other companies on your blog could be for you.

If you don’t own a blog, now might be the perfect time to start one. Do you have a particular subject or group of subjects you are passionate and knowledgeable about?

Do you love teaching people about money? Are you a great cook? Do you have good parenting skills? If you like interacting with people and sharing knowledge with them, blogging could be a great side hustle for you.

Don’t know much about web site set up and design? With my easy-to-follow post on how to start a blog in less than ten minutes, you could have your own personal blog starting today.

Once you have your own blog and are publishing valuable content on it, you can form partnerships with an advertising network such as AdSense and start earning money from other companies’ advertisements on your blog.

Here’s how it works

Companies such as the ones mentioned above place ads in different places on your blog. They might place an ad for a company on the sidebar of your blog, at the bottom of each article you write or within the article somewhere.

When people visit your blog site, they’ll see the strategically placed ads. If they click on the ads, you earn money from the ad placement companies. After you reach a certain dollar earnings threshold, the company will pay you via PayPal or by mailing you a check.

This can be a great way to make passive income, as once the ads are placed there’s nothing for you to do except for promote your site.  The ads are visible to all who visit your blog, and you simply wait for those visitors to click on the ads ,Paid For Advertising Companies.

Companies will generally pay out in a couple of different ways for sponsored posts. First, they pay for publication of the post itself. Second, they will sometimes offer payout for any new clients they gain via the link within the post.

This is called an affiliate partnership. You advertise for the company, they pay you from any new clients they gain through your web site. Affiliate links can account for a large portion of the income many bloggers make ,Paid For Advertising Companies.

Building a blog that makes money through affiliate links and advertisements does take time and doesn’t happen overnight. You will have to form a relationship within the blogging community (preferably a part of the community that blogs about similar topics to yours) and work to gain readers.

However, if you are willing to put in the time and money, making money through advertising and affiliate relationships on your blog is a real possibility. You can learn more about affiliate marketing with the course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing.

There are plenty of ways to make some more cash without schlepping to another desk or waiting tables at night.

Check out these four ideas for ways to bring in the dough without putting in more hours at the office.

Share ads on your social media network

Paid For Advertising Companies ,Ever watch a funny video and immediately click the share button on Facebook, or see the same funny meme retweeted on Twitter a dozen times in a day? It’s called viral marketing and companies are itching to be a part of it.

The strategy works for a couple of reasons. One, the more times a video or ad is shared, the more people see it. Two, people are more likely to pay attention to something shared by a friend. If a company can get you interested enough in their ad to share it, they win – or they could take the easier route and pay you to watch and share their videos on your social network.

Enter the startup company . Wingsplay’s idea is pretty simple: You sign up for an account, view available videos, and share the ones you like on sites like Twitter, Facebook, or your personal blog. Every time someone else views the video, you make a little bit of money.

Your earnings potential depends on how popular you are on social networks. For example, I have 264 Facebook friends and update my status about once a week. I had Wingsplay calculate my influence and they said I could make $29 a month through Facebook. To make more, I’d need to have more friends in my social networking circles and be more active on the sites ,Paid For Advertising Companies.

Turn your car into a mobile billboard

It’s no secret that advertising companies pay people to put advertisements on their cars. Take, for example, adzinmotion – they say they’ll pay you anywhere from $70 to $500 per month depending on the campaign. This could mean anything from a few bumper stickers to a complete advertising wrap, but either way, you’re getting paid to drive around ,Paid For Advertising Companies.

  • A vehicle in good shape
  • Valid license and insurance
  • Commute daily (Your car needs to be seen around town)

Sport a temporary tattoo

Paid For Advertising Companies ,companies know you’re hounded by billboards, magazine ads, commercials, and pop-ups when you browse the Internet. Because you’re so used to the stuff, you’ve also gotten pretty good at tuning it out, so they need to come up with new ways to advertise – like paying someone to tattoo the company logo on their forehead. And some people are willing to do just that.

Take Karolyne Smith, for example. She tattooed on her forehead for $10,000.

But not everyone is willing to permanently brand themselves with a logo, which is where sites like Lease Your Body come in. They’ll pay you to wear a temporary tattoo in an attention-drawing place (like your forehead), but you’ll have to create a profile and get approved before you can start wearing any advertisements.

Wear a company’s T-shirt

Paid For Advertising Companies ,if you’ve ever wondered if what you wear matters, just ask an advertiser. Companies hand out free T-shirts at different events for a reason. When other people see you wearing their shirt, they start developing brand recognition, and that means more customers, more earnings, and more business stability.

This is where companies like come in. The founder, Jason Sadler, had an idea: Why not start a website and have advertisers pay him to wear their T-shirts? It may sound far-fetched, but it worked.

Business Insider said Sadler made $70,000 in his first year through a combination of wearing T-shirts, blogging, creating YouTube videos, and staying active on social networking sites. The more popular got, the more advertisers were willing to pay for Sadler’s idea ,Paid For Advertising Companies.


Making money by advertising for companies is real. As with any other job, it won’t happen without some effort on your part. If one of the three options listed above sounds interesting to you that could be the place to start.

Driving around with wrap ads on your car will likely be the easiest, provided you fit in with the driving and car ownership parameters. The only real work involved with that money-making avenue is taking the time to drive to the company that installs the wraps on your car ,Paid For Advertising Companies.

The other two :

getting paid to advertise on social media and getting paid to advertise via a blog, will take some time each day as you manage your blog or social media outlets and work to publish valuable content and gain new followers and readers.

If you are committed to doing what you need to do to grow your blog or social media accounts in a way that provides value to followers and readers, the likelihood of growing your media outlets to a level where you are making serious money is a possibility.

While the blog owners that make six digits a year are fewer and farther in between, it’s not uncommon to see blog owners making $1,000 a month or more. It just takes the willingness to stick with the effort it takes to publish valuable content and grow your readership.

But the potential income you could make from these money-making efforts could provide you with the cash you need to reach all of your financial goals, making your work worth every minute you put into it ,Paid For Advertising Companies.

“Frequently Asked Questions”

Who will see my PPC Ads?

Both search advertising and display advertising are part of PPC marketing and are a bit different from each other in some areas, whereas they also share some fundamental similarities.

How does Google AdWords work?

Google AdWords allows you to show your ads to searchers who are looking for something using specific keywords in Google’s search bar.

What is paid ads?

Paid media ,refers to external marketing efforts that involve a paid placement. Paid media includes PPC advertising, branded content, and display ads.

How much I should spend on Facebook ads?

The real answer is that it depends. It depends on how much money you want to make. Think backward start with the results you like to achieve, start advertising to create enough data to find your average cost per sale/lead, and then optimize and scale your campaigns.

Got a question? We’re here to answer you! if you don’t find your answer here, drop us a line on our Social Pages.

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