How To Hold Your Instagram Post Alive Even After 24-Hour Restriction?

How to Hold your Instagram post alive even after 24-hour restriction?

Hold Your Instagram Post Alive Even After 24-Hour Restriction? More than 500 million users are using Instagram’s services daily, and they come ahead of Snapchat in the temporary content business. Instagram’s features are relatively easy to use, so that more and more people are joining Instagram. This app allows users to share their images and videos on their profile or feeds. Posted pictures and videos will be available for the audience only for 24 hours. This short-lived content encourages the audience to act quickly on the content. The followers have to work within 24 hours; otherwise, the post will be removed from the user’s timeline.

Since 24-hour time limitation encourages fast action, but it has a downside also. Many users don’t log into their Instagram account daily, maybe for their busy schedule. That is why; many users may miss your next. What will you do then? If you want to extend the lifespan of your content on Instagram to attract more followers, you can follow several techniques. Through this article, you will get to know how to extend your Instagram Post’s lifespan.

Instagram Post Alive Even After 24-Hour Restriction, Use Instagram Highlight Option

Using Instagram’s Highlight is the most popular way to extend the lifetime of a post. Instagram has added this feature recently that allows its users to compile all of the posted content they can repost later. All of your published stories will be displayed on the profile page and remain there until you delete it. Using Instagram’s highlight option is very easy to follow:

•Go to your Instagram’s Profile page and look around your highlight section and find out the “+” button, tap on it.

•Choose those stories that you want to save or repost in your profile.

• Give a name and then add a cover image to it.

•Finally, tap the “Done” button to confirm the highlight feature.

Thus, your important stories will be saved into your highlight option. If you want to see those highlighted stories, just go to your profile and tap your cover image.

How to use Instagram’s Highlight option in different ways

If you are an organized person, you may want to arrange all your highlighted stories to access easily later. Instead of adding stories randomly, you can follow different ways, including:

•Reposting your latest post

•Following step-by-step tutorials

•Creating a specific stream for specific content

•Doing contests

•Gathering useful tips

Using these above other options will encourage your audience for more engaging in your post. For instance, Red Bull uses different themes for their varied audiences.

Consider the time when to repost your highlighted stories. It will be useful to select a day or two after posting your content to view your post and act on them.

Tweak your posts content to report

Tweaking your uploaded video and image’s metadata is another surprising way to keep your Instagram Stories alive after 24-hour limitation. Using this trick will let Instagram think that you are uploading new stories into your profile. You can tweak these metadata:

Time and date of the Photo/Video

•Shutter Speed of the Camera

•Lens aperture

•ISO sensitivity

Choose the one that you want to modify. Don’t choose anything that might create a discrepancy in your contents’ data. The easiest way to alter the metadata is by changing the date and time of the posted photo/video.

You can use the” PixelGrade” app to modify the metadata of your Instagram content. This tool will allow you to change all the metadata of the content quickly and easily. Since this tool only modifies your metadata, you can keep the original version of your content.

Re-upload your Instagram posts

Re-uploading also can extend the lifetime of your posted stories. If you re-upload the same content, it will be selected as spam by Instagram, but if you change the way of reposting your content, it might prevent your post seeing as spam.

You can take upload a screenshot of your previous content. Since it is a separate image, Instagram will not see this as spamming. To give your screenshot a better look, crop it to the same size as the original story.

Another useful but secret trick is using “Airplane Mode” in your device at the time of re-uploading. Since you are in “Airplane Mode,” Instagram will ask you to save the content to your device’s camera folder. Then turn off the “Airplane Mode” and upload the image to “Instagram” as new content.

Another thing you should care that your content should look distinct in the eyes of the audiences. Since you are doing it to get more engagement, you should make each post  (even older posts) particular. For example, change the caption of the post. You may also do this by slightly altering the previous image. May look attractive to your follower, which can bring more engagement to your post.

Be careful about timing your post.

To get more engagement from followers, select the time of your post carefully. Reposting immediately just after the latest post expired is a good technique. It will keep the interest of your audience going on. Instagram only allows your post to display for 24 hours. Reposting it will increase its lifespan.

Use your Instagram like a pro

Expanding the lifespan of your Instagram’s posts will help you to interact with more audiences.

•Use the Highlight feature carefully: As mentioned above, the highlight features of Instagram let you display your previous stories on your profile.

•Edit your content’s metadata: It is a simple technique. Change the metadata of your image or video, and repost them on your profile again to get more audiences.

•Repost your previous content. Take a screenshot of your already posted content. While uploading the screenshot, go to the “Airplane Mode” on your device. It will help you to store your content into the camera roll, which means the Instagram will consider it as a new post, not spam.

These above techniques will help you to keep your Instagram post alive longer than the 24-hour time limit. Longer time means you will get more audience for the posting, which will help your business to get more followers.

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