How To Gain More Facebook Reviews To Boost Sales Instantly

How to Gain More Facebook Reviews to Boost Sales Instantly

Gain More Facebook Reviews, It’s no joke. Facebook is a major consideration for potential customers to buy from your business. Consider these stats from a 2015 study:

  1. 50% of customers use Facebook to learn about new products to buy.
  2. 77% of customers say they either somewhat or completely trust what they see on Facebook.
  3. And 89% of these customers trust reviews and recommendations from a friend or family member, and 50% trust reviews from someone they have not met. For a comparison, only 26% of customers believe a celebrity endorsement is honest. Gain More Facebook Reviews.

As a result, Facebook page reviews play an important part in increasing sales. A survey of 1000 online shoppers revealed that 79.3% of people were influenced by reviews when thinking about buying from a store.

Gain More Facebook Reviews, Perhaps you’ve heard the horror stories of competitors buying negative reviews. The good news is, negative reviews are easy to handle once you know how to manage them and give you an opportunity to build your image and brand.

Reviews and testimonials are a powerful form of user generated content for any online business. Using reviews as part of your social media strategy can have a positive impact and increase traffic from Facebook by up to 6%.

In this guide, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of enabling Facebook reviews, how to add the review tab to get reviews on your Facebook page, how to deal with bad reviews, and how to integrate Yotpo to get more Facebook ratings and reviews ,Gain More Facebook Reviews.

But first…

What are Facebook Business Page Reviews and Star Ratings?

Gain More Facebook Reviews, If you have ratings and reviews enabled on your Facebook page, Facebook allows customers to leave feedback about your store and products. There are two types of feedback you can receive: a star rating alone or a star rating with a written review.

Facebook Star Ratings and Reviews

According to Facebook, Facebook set-up the star ratings to encourage more customers to review local businesses. Through the rating system, customers can rate your store on a scale from 1 to 5 stars, with your average score displayed on your Facebook page.

How is my Facebook page’s star rating determined?

Your Facebook page star rating is an average of all public star ratings that you receive.

Facebook allows your customers to choose the level of privacy on their review. For example, a customer can share their review everyone, just to friends, friends of friends, or all friends except for acquaintances.

You may find there is a difference between your total rating and your public rating if you have customers who leave reviews not open to the public. Customers also have the option to add a written review with their star rating.

Understanding Facebook Review Guidelines

Customers must follow Facebook’s Review Guidelines when leaving you a review. Although this may sound dull to you, understanding Facebook’s guidelines can help you increase positive reviews, and remove negative reviews that do not follow the rules of how to Gain More Facebook Reviews.

The Facebook Review Guidelines will protect your business by ensuring reviews come from an actual customer’s experience with your product or service. If a review doesn’t follow these guidelines, you can report it to Facebook and request its removal. A legitimate customer review must:

  • Focus on the product offered by the brand.
  • Be based on personal experience.
  • Follow the Facebook Community Standards. For example, reviews that have hate speech, bullying, harassment, or threats violate Facebook’s Community Standards and aren’t acceptable in a review.

If a review violates one of these conditions, you can flag the review for Facebook to check.

Should You Enable Facebook Reviews?

Reviews are very compelling to draw customers to your business.

And if you’ve got reviews on your website, you may wonder if it’s worth collecting reviews on another platform.

What Are The Advantages of Facebook Reviews?

Here are three potential benefits to adding reviews to your Facebook page:

  • Your Facebook page will prominently display your star rating along with your reviews. As I mentioned earlier, a high star rating is good for social proof and increasing your sales.
  • Your customers’ voices are a powerful marketing tool as your customers tell you in their words how your product solved a problem they had. This is a great way to turn reviews into highly effective ads.
  • Negative reviews allow you to show your customer service in action. These reviews are a great opportunity to turn a disappointed customer into a raving fan.

What Are The Potential Disadvantages of Facebook Reviews?

There are a few potential downsides to adding Facebook Reviews on your business page:

  • Receiving negative reviews on a platform where you’re trying to engage and attract potential customers. If there are deeper issues in your business, it will come out in the reviews you receive. So learning about these problems can help you improve your business.
  • The time invested in monitoring your reviews. There are not enough hours in the day to do every type of marketing perfectly, though there are tools like Yotpo that can help you manage this process and cut down the time.
  • There is a potential rating abuse. Facebook users don’t need to prove they’ve used your products or services before leaving a rating. Unfortunately, it is a lot harder to report a star rating in the way you can report a review that violates Facebook’s Review Guidelines.

If you do get a lot of negative reviews, you can always choose to turn them off, which I will explain how to do later in this guide.

How to Get Reviews on Your Facebook Page

Gain More Facebook Reviews, Getting reviews on your Facebook Page is an easy way to help increase trust with your customers and get them to choose your business over a competitor. To get reviews on your Facebook page, you need to start by adding a Review tab.

Here’s how to add a Review Tab to start getting reviews from your customers:

1. From your page, click Settings.2. Click on Edit Page.

3. Scroll down and click Add a Tab.

4. Find the Reviews option and click Add Tab.5. Click and drag the Reviews option to the position you want it in.

How to Get Review Notifications

After you’ve enabled Facebook reviews, you may want to respond to any reviews left on your Facebook page quickly. An easy way to do this is by turning on notifications in your page settings.

Here’s how to get a notification once someone leaves you a review:

1. From your page Settings, click Notifications.

2. Select Get a notification each time there is activity on your Page or an important Page update.

3. Make sure all your notification settings are on.

4. Choose whether you want notifications via email as well. You will now receive a notification when you receive a new review on your business page ,Gain More Facebook Reviews.

How to Remove the Review Tab and Turn Off Reviews

If you change your mind about displaying reviews on Facebook, removing the review tab is simple.

1. From your page, click Settings.

2. Click on Edit Page.

3. Find the Reviews option and click Settings.4. Toggle Show Reviews to off.

5. Click Save.

Note that this process doesn’t remove your past reviews. So if you decide to show reviews again in the future, you’ll still have all previous ratings and reviews you had before turning them off.

How to Get More Reviews on Your Facebook Page

Facebook removed the review button that made it easy to get your customers to leave you a review. If a customers click on your star rating, they will go to your reviews tab. There they can see your other reviews and leave a review of their own.

How to Deal with Bad Reviews on Facebook

Many businesses fear receiving a bad review. But is that fear reasonable? From a study we ran in 2016, only 16% of all reviews created are 3 stars or less. Thus on average, the majority (86%) of reviews you will receive are 4 and 5 stars .It’s impossible to have only 5-star reviews, but that’s okay. 68% of customers trust reviews more when they see both good and bad feedback. If you only have five-star reviews on your profile, 95% of customers would think they were fake or carefully screened. So you shouldn’t fear bad reviews.

If you do get a bad review, you may not have done anything wrong at all. It may just be that customer had the wrong expectations.

After examining 1.5 million reviews, the most common negative word used in poor reviews is “disappointment” or “disappointed.” The customer had expectations that weren’t met by the product or service they received.

By learning what caused disappointment, you can provide clear and accurate information to improve the customer experience in the future.

How to Respond to a Negative Review on Facebook

You’ve just received a notification from Facebook that someone left a negative review. Don’t panic and don’t put off responding, because the sooner you can talk to a customer, the better. Responding quickly to reviews has a powerful impact on your brand. So what should you do to handle angry customers?

First, assess the review. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What did this customer think when she left a review?
  2. Is the review fair and accurate?
  3. How can you use it to improve your business?

Next, you need to craft your response. Don’t hide behind a cold, formulaic response. A personalized response shows your customers that they are important to you. You should offer a solution that shows a good faith effort to a better outcome.

Once you’ve resolved their issue, follow up with the customer to make sure they’re happy with the result. While you should wait a few days, you can ask the customer if they’d be willing to write another review of their experience with you, Gain More Facebook Reviews.

How to Remove Bad Reviews From Facebook

Here’s some more bad news: you can’t remove bad reviews. Only a customer who leaves a review may edit or delete their review. Aside from this, the best you can do is report any reviews that violate Facebook Community Standards.

To report a review:

  1. Click on the down arrow next to the review.
  2. Click Report Post.
How To Gain More Facebook Reviews To Boost Sales Instantly

Then follow the prompts Facebook gives to report the review.

Integrating Facebook Reviews With Yotpo

Gain More Facebook Reviews, Yotpo has a Facebook integration to display your Yotpo reviews on your Facebook page. This is a great way to quickly increase your star ratings if you have raving customers. Yotpo also has a Facebook ads feature which lets you easily turn a 5-star review into a high potential ad leveraging the power of social proof. User generated content sells and reviews are one of the best types of content to use for ads.


Many of your customers are using Facebook to learn about new products. By adding ratings to your Facebook page, you can increase word-of-mouth, improve your customer service, and ultimately increase sales. And with the right tools, even negative reviews can help your business grow, Gain More Facebook Reviews.

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