10 Reasons You Lack Getting Traffic To Your Website

10 Reasons You Lack Getting Traffic to Your Website | +solutions

Getting Traffic To Your Website ,However with only a few simple tips you can unlock the secret to getting traffic to your website. 

1. Your Website Speed is a Problem

Getting Traffic To Your Website ,Remember the days of dial-up internet? If you don’t, then you might not know what it’s like to have a website take forever to load.

These days people expect for a website to load in 2 seconds or less. And if a site doesn’t load within 3 seconds, they will move on to the next site.

If you’ve been having trouble with your website loading speeds, then it could be a reason why you’re not getting a lot of traffic on your site.

2. You Haven’t Figured out SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the stuff of nightmares for many website owners. The fact that it changes so fast, it makes it difficult for many website owners to grasp.

If you want your website to attract organic visitors, then you should devote more time to SEO.

Try downloading an SEO plugins if you can’t afford to hire the services of an agency. Great SEO doesn’t happen overnight so the more work you put into it, the better the results. Getting Traffic To Your Website.

3. Reconsider Your Keywords 

Unless you’ve been staying away from a computer, then you know how important keywords are.

If you’ve been on the keyword game with no results, then you should change your keyword strategy.

Think about the keywords you’re using. If you’re picking keywords such as “how to get clear skin,” then you might not make it to the top of the rankings.

While some keywords are highly effective, everybody else would be using the same keyword.

You should make sure you begin thinking outside the box when it comes to your keywords in order to see results. Getting Traffic To Your Website.

4. Your Brand Shows Inconsistencies

If you’re not consistent keeping up with your brand’s mission, your visitors are not going to come through.

Not knowing the identity, or the voice of your site will make it really difficult for visitors to identify with your site.

The best thing you can do for your site is to keep your brand consistent. It will also help you create more effective marketing campaigns. Getting Traffic To Your Website.

Another reason your website is not getting enough traffic could be because your backlinks are not strong enough.

Most of the high-ranking websites have relevant links that direct traffic to their site.

Ask yourself, are your backlinks come from authority sites? The backlinks should be placed on relevant sites.

There are several link building techniques you can try such as guest blogging ,Getting Traffic To Your Website.

6. A Bad User Experience

Getting Traffic To Your Website ,while your site might feature an attractive layout and compelling content, the user experience (UX) could be letting it down. If a website isn’t mobile-friendly and features poor navigation and slow page speed, it will rank lower in the search engines and users will fail to return to a site.

Google will rank your site higher for specific keywords if it features a responsive design and easy navigation. Plus, you would be wise not to install annoying pop-ups to avoid penalization. Again, an SEO audit can identify where you are going right or wrong, which can boost your ranking and drive a flurry of traffic to your site.

7. Your Promotion Lacks

Getting Traffic To Your Website ,you might have heard a million times the content of your website has to be excellent for your visitors to come back.

But, if you only focus on creating great content, you could be hurting your traffic by not promoting.

Promoting and creating content go hand in hand if you want to attract more traffic.

If you’ve been creating more than you’ve been promoting, you won’t give each blog post the attention it deserves.

Consider posting every week or every two weeks to allow enough time for promoting each post. 

8. Your Headlines are Not Exciting

We’ve all seen those headlines before. The ones that draw you in and you can’t help it but click on them. For example, “10 Child Stars, You Won’t Believe What They Look Like Now.”

Granted, sometimes the content is not as good as what they advertised, but it made you click.

If your headlines are not making people click, then you will not get enough visitors on your site.

A great way to guarantee you create excellent headlines is if you follow this formula. The formula is number + adjective + keyword + promise, which is pretty similar to the example above ,Getting Traffic To Your Website.

9. No Social Media Presence

Social media can be a powerful platform for traffic generation. If you are not running a marketing campaign on the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you may as well shut down your website for good.

Sharing a post on the popular platforms could send hundreds or thousands of visitors to your site. Take the time to build a presence on various social networks. The more followers you gain, the more web traffic you will receive.

To do so, avoid continually publishing self-serving posts and focus on:

• Sharing insightful articles from reputable sites

• Launching fun contests

• Asking questions

• Share videos

• Posting high-quality images

By following the above social media tactics, your followers will be more likely to click on your articles or engage with an advertisement ,Getting Traffic To Your Website.

So, if you want to grow your web traffic in 2020, you must optimize your web pages, develop an effective content marketing strategy, improve the user experience, and grow your social media presence.

10. Getting Traffic to Your Website: The Bottom Line

Getting traffic to your website might not be the easiest thing, but with a little bit of work, you can attract more visitors to your site. Make sure you create strong headlines, learn about SEO, and reconsider your use of keywords. If you enjoyed these tips and would like to learn about understanding the basics of SEO ,Getting Traffic To Your Website.

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