Increase Your TikTok Engagement: Best Tools for UK Creators in 2024

Increase Your TikTok Engagement: Best Tools for UK Creators in 2024

TikTok Engagement Tools, In case you missed the news last August, switched to TikTok. To be more precise, Chinese company ByteDance bought in November 2017 and chose to absorb the app into their existing TikTok app nine months later.

TikTok Engagement Tools

Although many Western users may not have heard of TikTok until the morning they updated their app, it has always been popular in China. Indeed, according to Sensor Tower’s app download statistics, TikTok was the Apple App Store’s #1 non-gaming app download in Q1 2018, and #6 across all platforms.

Although users found themselves migrated to a new TikTok app, the user experience remained much the same. The new app featured a new interface but retained the features of both the original TikTok and At its heart, TikTok is still the app for teens and tweens to swap 15-second videos, although perhaps the term “muser” is no longer as appropriate as it once was.

Like most social network users, TikTok users (TikTokers or does that sound too much like a clock?) look to build a following. The best way by far to build your TikTok likes and followers is always the organic way of befriending others on the platform and liking their videos. However, some tools claim they can help you find  TikTok users. As with all such tools, some are more ethically legitimate than others are.

The Organic Way to Increase Your TikTok Likes and Followers

TikTok Engagement Tools

TikTok Engagement Tools, By far the most legitimate way to improve your TikTok account is to build an organic following. Here are some of the best ways you can enhance your TikTok following organically:

  1. Create an attractive and concise profile – your profile should give the essential details about you and the type of content you like to create and share. Be careful you don’t give away too much information about yourself, however. Avoid providing too much personal data that unscrupulous people could use.
  2. Use trending (but relevant) hashtags on the videos you upload. Consider making videos that tie in with trending hashtags. However, always think of your audience. There is little point in making a video if it is unlikely to interest your followers, just because the hashtag is trendy.
  3. If possible, upload original videos, not just the typical lip-synch video uploaded by the vast majority of TikTok users. Sure lip-synch videos may make a good start to life on TikTok, but they will not help[ you stand out from the crowd
  4. Choose a good soundtrack for your videos – that would appeal to the type of people you want to follow you. TikTok has made arrangements with most of the leading music companies to permit you to use their copyrighted music in your videos
  5. Try to make the best quality videos possible. Learn from each video you upload. Buy better equipment when you can afford it. Once a user gains a reputation for uploading high quality, fun videos, followers usually flock to them.
  6. Upload videos regularly, preferably daily. However, don’t sacrifice quality, just so you can upload more videos
  7. Engage regularly with your followers. Reply to their comments on your videos. View their videos and make intelligent and encouraging comments on them will get you The best way by far to build your TikTok likes and followers
  8. Comment on other users’ videos. In particular, look for others who make the same types of video as you. Make certain that they’re intelligent, helpful comments though, not a curt “good video” comment
  9. Promote your TikTok videos on your other social channels. Share trailers for your videos on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Make sure your descriptions clearly indicate the type of people to whom you target your videos
  10. Collaborate with others on TikTok, but don’t try to jump above your level. To succeed you need to work with people who have a similar (or fractionally higher) number of followers than yourself. As you gain followers, you will gain access to better collaborators

Tools Marketed as Boosting Your TikTok Likes and Follows

TikTok Engagement Tools, Here are a variety of tools that claim to help you in your mission. Most of these tools are free. Some of these tools make highly debatable and vague claims. Some have a whiff of snake’s oil about them. We make no promises about the effectiveness of these tools.

Most of these tools originate from the days, with many still feature that name. It may take a while for everybody to adjust to TikTok being the new moniker.

1. TikFame: Free Fans & Followers & Likes

TikTok Engagement Tools, Unlike many of the competing apps, TikFame at least recognizes the change from to TikTok and was last updated recently (January 2019).

This app claims to help you get more likes on your TikTok videos. It says it can make your videos easily discoverable, increasing their popularity and likes. All you have to do is to follow the steps within the app.

2. MusiFame

MusiFame may not have changed their name to reflect the change from to TikTok, but it has a banner saying that all their services are running dated today’s date.

They offer the “service” of allowing you to buy buys and likes. To use this service you first choose a package, then enter your details, wait a couple of minutes, and then see the results as your bought followers propagate your account. You can select from a range of packs for followers or likes, ranging from 100 fans or likes up to 5,000 fans or likes.

3. Real Followers for Musically – Get Free Likes

As its name suggests, Real Followers for Musically – Get Free Likes is an Android APK app designed to find you followers on It hasn’t been updated since June 2018, so I am uncertain whether it still works now the platform in TikTok.

The app claims to help you build your number of followers. Although it is free, you do have to “pay” a price to gain your followers. Your “payment” is to perform various simple tasks, e.g.

  • Spinning the wheel of fortune to gain followers
  • Installing other apps from Google Play Market
  • Watching videos and commercials
  • Playing simple games

According to the app’s page: “With us, real followers will flood your account, and you will become the top Musically user! Isn’t it what you have dreamed of?”

4. Boost for Musically Followers

Boost for Musically Followers is another Android APK app designed to help you boost your following. It has yet to have a TikTok-specific update.

This app is straightforward to use. It asks you for your username, your requested number of free followers, and your required amount of free likes.

5. Michael Cashman Free TikTok likes and followers

Michael Cashman Free Musically Followers also offers you followers for free (with no mention, yet, of TikTok). They claim that “The first 10,000 people who will benefit from our service will receive a bonus for each option we offer, it is this: Musically followers, musically fans, and musically likes. Bonus amounts to + 5,000 to the selected option.”

The Best Way to Build Your TikTok Likes and Follows is Organically

Although the above tools all promise to increase your likes and follows, it is unlikely that any followers they bring will have any interest in your content. Some may not be real people at all – merely bots which is frowned upon and just not legitimate at all. We have written extensively on the dangers of buying Instagram followers. The same warnings apply to TikTok /

There is only one way to become an influencer on any social platform. That is to produce quality content, engage actively with real people on the site, and gradually build up your account. You may feel that you lack the video-making skills to succeed on TikTok, but you can develop these as you go along.

TikTok Engagement Tools, Tools promising you free followers (or even worse, asking you to pay for such people) will not bring genuine, interested followers. At best, your new followers will be somebody from a low-pay country receiving a few cents to be your friend. Often they will merely be a computer. In the worst case, they could be people trying to defraud you or worse.

Also read up>>> How to Gain More Likes on TikTok: Tips and Tricks In 2024

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